the standard

The S.A.F.E. Design Standard® is the first standardized CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) process founded on established CPTED principles and follows the new ISO 22341 CPTED guidelines.


Benefits of SAFE Design

  • Protects people and secures property

  • Adds value to communities and businesses

  • Reduces the fear of crime and increases legitimate use in an equitable and inclusive manner

  • Provides public sector savings and improves private sector margins

  • Avoids hostile architecture and contributes to placemaking

  • Helps property operators meet their legal obligations under Occupiers’ Liability Acts and recent case law

  • Ensures a collaborative and consistent work environment for design and security practitioners

  • Improves social awareness of safety and security issues 

  • Considers the risk of criminal threats when assessing property vulnerabilities

  • Identifies mitigations and best practices to reduce the risk of crime while adding value to properties

  • Uses thoughtful design, placemaking, and functionality as central components for achieving physical security

  • Provides a standardized set of tools, performance requirements and best practices

SAFE Design Core Considerations

SAFE Design methodology and toolkit include a set of over two hundred performance requirements relating to the following core considerations: 

  • Security Policies, Preparedness, and Response

  • Establishing and Maintaining Territoriality 

  • Access Control and Wayfinding 

  • Security Technologies

  • Visibility and Sensory Design 

  • Space Activation and Placemaking 

  • Image and Maintenance