Security Achieved through Functional Environmental Design or SAFE Design, is a standardized approach to physical security that reduces the risk and fear of crime by design, policy, and placemaking.

SAFE Design helps planners, designers, and security professionals to create safer, more secure and enjoyable places in which to live, learn, work and play.

The SAFE Design toolkit provides a complete set of risk and vulnerability assessment software tools and best practices to support the creation of well-designed, vibrant, and inclusive spaces that also meet physical security requirements.

SAFE Design expands on traditional CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) by creating built environments that are highly secure but also welcoming, well designed and contribute to the vitality and stewardship of a property. Required security elements are not overt and are designed ensures people don’t feel anxious about risk or the security considerations of the place.

SAFE Design can be used during the design of new projects and for existing properties.